Blue Jaguar Espresso


Blue Jaguar grew out of the popularity of the Brazil Daterra Sweet Blue, which many people use as a single origin espresso. Because Sweet Blue is not as complex as a blend, though, we thought a blend using it as a base could have potential. So after many trials and much reformulating based on testers' comments, here it is. Building on the Sweet Blue, we added El Jaguar arabica from Honduras and some other hard to find beans for the accent flavors.

The result is an uncommon espresso, smooth, sweet, only mildly acidic, with milk chocolate and floral aromas. The milk chocolate continues in the cup with nice fruit accents: sweet orange (think tangelo), date and fig. With an aftertaste that lingers for a long time, this espresso is very nice for warm summer days, or in an after dinner drink.

Whole bean, 100% Arabica

Roast level: Medium

Recommended brew method: Espresso, Aeropress, pour over, auto-drip.