Guatemala Huehuetenango Catuai Caturra


In 1957, Virgilio Perez acquired a small piece of land in the Aldea de Hoja Blanca, municipality of Cuilco, department of Huehuetenango. Don Virgilio built a small house on the land. Around his home, he began planting coffee and taking advantage of the good conditions of the land for the cultivation of coffee.

Now in 2017, Ernesto Perez and his father Jorge oversee the farm with the help of Jorge Villatoro.

This coffee comes from a high altitude farm, its elevation ranges from 1443 to 1900m above sea level. Temperatures averaging 73'F

This Farm is a COE (a cup of excellence) winning farm 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2017.

This is a honey process coffee which is a long and delicate process, but the rewards of getting a great cup of coffee are worth it!

Cup characteristics: Almond, brown sugar, chocolate, citrus fragrant, nectarine, orange.

Whole bean, 100% Arabica

Roast level: Medium

Recommended brew method: Aeropress, pour-over, auto-drip, French press. It can be brewed as a single-origin espresso.