Colombia Mesa De Los Santos Bourbon


                                           Smithsonian Bird Friendly

This coffee comes from a family-owned estate located near Bucaramanga the department of Santander, Columbia. In 1840, the 800-acre estate was named La Mesa de Los Santos (the table of saints) by founder Telmo J. Dias, who managed the estate with generosity, integrity, and the search for perfection.

The estate is now owned by Telmo's grandson who adheres to his grandfather's life-long principles. 

There is in place a fair compensation program designed to pay wages well above the Colombia minimum salary. Because of the program workers and their families benefit from the health, education stipends for children, and a pension fund to provide retirement benefits.

Cup characteristics: Bakers chocolate, prunes, orange acidity with a creamy body.

Whole bean, 100% Arabica

Roast level: Medium

Recommended brew method: Aeropress, pour-over, auto-drip, french press. It can be brewed as a single-origin espresso.